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Everyone experiences moments of feeling lost in their lives; for many, these feelings ebb and flow like waves. Yet, for me, this sense of disorientation is unyielding.

People often say that no one truly knows what they are doing, leaving me to ponder how we persevere, persisting through the uncertainties to uncover our true selves. You see, we are all searching for peace in some shape or form, with no idea of where to begin. So, as I entered into my journey, I stumbled upon a revelation:

This entire time, I sought to discover my identity, only to realize that, in reality, I was relentlessly searching for healing.

Maggie Rogers, one of my favorite musical artists, says in the introduction to her compilation album “Notes From the Archive: Recordings from 2011-2016,” while speaking about her body of work, “It’s about looking to the future while honoring the past.” Similarly, this set of triptychs is a visual representation of healing and self-uncovering via retrospection. I say, uncovering, as I was there all along. I simply needed to peel back the layers of wounding to find myself amongst the remnants of the past, struggles in the present, and worries of the future. Hence, in these charcoal and digital photography works, I revisit objects and memories that hold meaning, delve into visions that still haunt me today, and confront the inner turmoil of my mind, which seeks to confine me there.